Develop High-end Websites with Best-in-class Features of Joomla
Content Management Systems are considered to be the most favored choice while considering the task of developing websites to make customization/addition in the CMS sites, which do not require much external help. While considering the various CMS platforms, Joomla comes as the most promising to deploy.
Being one of the most beneficial software packages across the world, it is used for building, organizing, managing and publishing contents for blogs, websites, mobile applications, and Intranets. Because of its scalable MVC architecture, Joomla serves as an effective base for building web applications.
It‘s the most widely supported and popular multilingual, open source platform across the world, thereby offering 66 languages. Content developers and webmasters can build websites which, are to be presented in various languages, without ever requiring to step aside of the choices available with Joomla.
It‘s a significant step forward which, represents a number of capabilities that can make sites more impressive and accessible, there enabling it to reach out to a larger group of audience.
Our enthusiastic, worldwide community is being filled with industry-leading business consultants and developers who help without taking any additional charges in the forums. There is a number of proficient Joomla service providers across the world who helps in building, maintaining and marketing the Joomla projects.
Integrated Help System
This comes with an in-app contextual help system for helping the users across diverse levels to operate this platform properly. Most of the pages come with a help button in the extreme top right, thereby helping you to understand all features of the page. There‘s also one glossary being included, which is explained in English, system information tool meant for helping you to troubleshoot and a version checker for helping you to check that whether you have been using the latest version.
Media Manager
It‘s the tool for easily organizing, uploading and managing the media folders and files. You would be able to handle number of files and thanks to the MIME settings for it. The Media Manager is being well-integrated into the Article Editor and thus, you would be able to access different types of images and media files for easy enhancement and usage of the written content.
Banner Management
With this core feature, you will be provided with the possibility of easily adding advertising and monetizing the website. The tool helps you to build strong clients base and develop a series of campaigns, thereby adding more number of banners as per your choice including the custom codes for setting impression numbers and tracking the list.
Joomla‘s extensive functionality doesn‘t end here. Along the aforesaid features, it also comes with significant potential in the domain of contact management, nested categorization, tagging, frontend editing, content versioning and many more. Thus, the next time you are up to developing your business website, hire Joomla developers who are experienced and well-versed with the intricacies linked with deploying this platform at its best.