Rename Shortcut Key: The Best And Easiest Method To Rename A File Or Folder
If you are looking for a rename shortcut key to rename your file name easily then you are in the right place. Apart from learning about shortcut keys for renaming in this article, you can also learn about other efficient methods of renaming a file or folder. Let’s first explore the rename shortcut key.
Shortcut For Rename On Keyboard:
- you can use the keyboard to change a document’s name. And you can rename it without using a mouse.
- Select a document with the arrow keys, or begin composing the name. When the document is chosen, press F2 to highlight the name of the document.
- Later you type in another name, press the Enter key to save the new name.
Some other methods to rename a file or folder are mentioned below:
The Home Menu:
- Press Windows+E to Fire up File Explorer, and explore the index for the file or folder you want to rename.
- Click on a file or folder to choose it then at the top of File Explorer in the Home menu, click “Rename”.
- you can begin to type another name now. Do not change the file extensions just change the name.
- Press Enter to save the new name after typing the new name.
Two Single Clicks:
- Press Windows+E to Fire up File Explorer, and explore the index for the file or folder you want to rename.
- Click the left button on the mouse then click for a second time.
- Later the name is featured, type out another name, and press Enter to save the changes.
The Setting Menu:
- To rename a document from the setting menu, right-click a folder, and click “Rename” from the setting menu that shows up.
- With the name of the folder featured, begin typing another name, and press Enter when you finish.
The Command Prompt:
- Assuming you feel better in the Command Prompt, you can utilize the ren command to rename documents or files easily.
- Perhaps the quickest method for opening a Command Prompt in the ideal index is from File Explorer. To begin with, open File Explorer and explore the objective. Click the location bar and type “cmd” in, and press the Enter key.
- To rename a document or organizer, you can utilize the accompanying command—assuming you’re renaming an envelope, simply preclude the record expansion:
ren “current_filename.ext” “new_filename.ext”
- The statements aren’t obligatory, they’ve required if both of the current or new names have a space in them. For instance, to rename the document “Home Movies. ogv” to “First Birthday. ogv” you would utilize the accompanying command:
ren “Home Movie. ogv” “First Birthday. Ogv”
The PowerShell:
Windows PowerShell is much more impressive and adaptable than Command Prompt with regards to renaming documents and folders in an order line climate. While we’ll just start to expose naming your documents, you can do some truly amazing things, remembering funneling cmdlets together to cluster trade characters for a filename.