Inzfy: 11 Instagram Recent Updates that You Can Leverage in 2023


Instagram is a user-friendly platform with filters, videos, posts, stories, highlights, Lives, and more to explore. Every feature on Instagram works under different algorithms. So marketers have to strategize their content to outshine the competition. For instance, if you want to make your videos perform better, you should try to buy instagram video views and enhance your online presence. Instagram has a wide range of users all over the world. It also helps to grow your business. Still, Instagram is a prominent social media player in the online world. In daily life, Instagram is growing, and there is no sign of decline. Similarly, it also introduces new features that wow the users. 

Even now, in 2023 also, the scenario remains the same. So what are the new updates of 2023 on Instagram? Are you eager to learn about it? Then continue reading the article and learn more about the recent Instagram updates! Let’s begin!


11 Recent Instagram Updates that You Should Know in 2023

  1. Instagram Gifts

To increase the Instagram experience, the app has launched a new feature called Instagram gifts. It is where the audience would send digital gifts to the creator. This option will appear only for some eligible creators. Moreover, the option will appear in the bottom left corner of the reels. Any follower or fan shall choose, purchase the gift, and send it to the liked creator. Once they get the gifts to a certain amount, they shall exchange and withdraw with the real money. This feature is now available for US-based users alone. To access the gift, you must have a professional Instagram account and comply with Instagram community guidelines. 

  1. Instagram Group Profiles

This option will allow users to connect with friends and family. Opening your own Instagram group profile is now possible, or you shall join the existing one. You shall share any videos or photos in the group. Only the group members shall be able to view the posts posted. It will appear as a group profile only. 

  1. Instagram Candid Stories

Are you looking for a new idea where you shall share what’s going on with your friends? There is a separate column on the Instagram story where you shall share beautiful moments with the closest people. Of course, only your closest friends or family members would watch these Instagram candid stories. Just capture a candid story and then post it. Even you shall set a notification on your settings. 

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  1. Instagram Account Status

Using this update, Instagram is expanding its account status. If you make a video with your own creation, you should check whether the Instagram algorithm recommends your video to the audience. This result would help you fix the content problems that you already have in it. This option makes it possible to categorize your lower-reach contents and the higher ones. Even with the account status, you shall fix the problems and return your videos to recommendations. Moreover, if you want to make your videos reach the top rank on the platform, then you shall try using Inzfy and create a better online presence. 

  1. Achievements on Instagram Reels

Achievements help the users create more Instagram reels and improve the content. The three achievements on Instagram reels are Creative streak, Trendspotter, and collaborator. To gain a creative streak, you must keep creating more than one reel weekly. Trendspotter is where you must join the conversation using the trendy audio or reels effect. Finally, a collaborator is where you shall collaborate with other creators and add your stickers. The creator will be notified when every achievement is reached and move forward to unlock the subsequent achievements. 

  1. Instagram Navigation Bar Is Changing 

The app will announce a change in the main navigation on the mobile. The create shortcut moves from the top navigation to the bottom center of the bar. This new update will bring people together to do their lovely things. In the future, the create would be in the center, and the reels would be at the right. Users shall still be able to access all their favorites on the discover tab. 

  1. Schedule Your Posts on the App

You don’t need any scheduler to schedule the posts on the Instagram app. It is possible to schedule the post within the app itself. This scheduling tool makes it possible to reach the audience at the perfect time without any hustle. To schedule the post, you shall go to the advanced settings, click on the schedule, and set the desired time and date. The feature will be rolled out and soon will be out for public use. 

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  1. Instagram Quiet Mode

Within the app, you shall set a period so the users won’t use the Instagram app and then focus on certain other things. For example, if you enable quiet mode, the app will not disturb the users by sending notifications, and even the users trying to contact you will know that you are in quiet mode. Once you return, then you will be able to get all the information that you have missed out. 

  1. Instagram Video Posts Are Now Reels

Whatever you post on Instagram as a video would be considered as reels. Is it a helpful update? In total, some people like it, and some users do not. The real problem is that to drive more engagement on the reels, it is essential to record reels in the vertical mode. The square or other aspect videos would only cover part of the page. 

  1. Instagram Grid Pinning

Instagram allows you to pin your post on top of your IG grid. So even your older content would shine on the platform. So when you create a real, with excellent results, you shall pin that particular reel to your profile. It is possible to pin three posts at a time. Once you pin it, the post will appear on the top of your profile. Furthermore, to amplify your profile, you shall try using Inzfy and make it possible.

  1. Story Length Extended

Instagram is now allowing users to upload 60-second-long videos without any cuts. It is an ample opportunity for marketers. You shall get rid of those 15-second stories and engage the audience more. On the stories, it is possible to include mentions, tags, locations, etc., Have a happy story watching on Instagram!


Instagram is an evolving platform that improves the user experience. The app always surprises audiences with minor updates on the feature. Scrolling Instagram would never get boring as it has enjoyable videos and posts content. We hope you have catch up with some of the recent Instagram updates on this article. We hope it is helpful

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