Four Fun PowerPoint Presentation Ideas


Anyone who has been in the audience when a PowerPoint presentation is being given recognizes how boring some of them can be. Most of the attendees cannot wait for it to be over. The goal is never to put the audience to sleep. With some creativity and preparations, these four fun PowerPoint presentation ideas will surely liven up an assembly and get everyone’s attention. Conferences, seminars, educational programs, and conventions can become events to look forward to.

1.Get to Know Your Audience

Identify the audience that will be attending. Short, simple and quick to comprehend must be the three basic adjectives of the topic. The initial call to attention must be through the interest of the listeners. Do your research to find out the average age, educational background, and interests of the audience you will be addressed. Speak to them in a way they can understand and relate to. Identify their needs and find ways to answer their questions.

  1. Be Unconventional

Dare to be unconventional and step away from the usual presentation strategies. Present the goals and objectives using colors, varying styles of layouts, and other innovative drawings and designs. Make the visual and audio aids direct, clear but fun. Consider adding animation and effects to get attention and make people smile during your presentation.

  1. Keep it Moving

If a picture spells thousands of words, imagine the many messages a video can throw at an audience.Action must be a factor to be able to engage the listeners in wanting to hear more. With moving elements on the screen, the human senses are kept alert. This also prevents the dastardly possibility of having your audience drift off and take a nap.

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  1. Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearse, practice, and prepare until it feels like second nature. A speaker might have all scripts, videos, audios, and outlines but without run-throughs and repetitions, all will be ineffective. Familiarity with the presentation builds up the speaker’s confidence. This helps you be more natural and direct during the presentation itself.

The audience is the essence behind conferences and educational programs. Every person must be empowered with the details. For all that is seen and heard, points must lead and direct to what must be accomplished. Use tools to help you create your PowerPoint presentation more quickly so you have enough time to do essential research and practice before the big day arrives.

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